LPG Gas Price in Kollam

LPG Price Today
912.5014.2 kg cylinder

LPG Gas Price in Kollam – Feb 07 2025

The LPG Gas Price in Kollam for a 14.2kg Cylinder is ₹ 909.00

The LPG Gas Price is modified each month by the public authority of India. There has been a substantial ascent within the utilization of the LPG gas for native and business functions throughout the foremost recent number of years. Customers can check it on daily basis. To know more about LPG Gas Price in Kollam contact or visit Dialabank.

Check Subsidized, Non-Subsidized, Domestic & Commercial LPG Price in Kollam

Cylinder Type LPG Price

How to Book an LPG Gas Refill in Kollam?

  • Through your vendor’s mobile app: First, download the vendor’s mobile app through Play Store or iOS App Store. Then get yourself registered and you have to fill in the required details, including consumer number/ mobile number/ name and other details. Then, After signing in, go to the booking menu, from where you can book a cylinder and then check the delivery status.
  • SMS:  An SMS is sent from the Registered Mobile Number to the state-specific IVRS number only. You will receive a message from the vendor asking you to choose the service you require. Choose “Book a Cylinder” and then send the confirmation message.
  • Umang Mobile App: Download the app available in the  Play Store or iOS App Store. Register on the app using your mobile number. Select your service provider and click on the “Refill” option.
    Thus, Your LPG Gas cylinder will be ready to be booked just after you tap on the Confirm button.
  • PayTM: On the app, click on the “Gas Booking” section displayed. Fill in your customer id and
    select your vendor. Click on proceed and complete the payment. After the successful payment, a confirmation message will be sent to you displaying the successful booking of the LPG Gas cylinder.
  • WhatsApp: Type “Book” and send it to the number specified by your vendor for booking an
    LPG gas cylinder through Whatsapp.
  • Missed Call:  Just give a missed call on the number that is provided by the vendor only from your registered contact number. Enter your vendor’s contact number and your customer id. Confirm your LPG Gas cylinder booking. At last, one confirmation message showing the successful booking of the LPG gas cylinder will be displayed.

How to Avail a New Gas Connection in Kollam?

Here are the steps you need to follow to get a new LPG Gas Connection in Kollam

  • Firstly, you have to Visit the nearest Gas Agency.
  • Then, Register for a new Gas connection by providing valid proof of identity.
  • Collect the form from the agency.
  • Fill the form carefully.
  • Make sure you have the required documents.
  • After the registration is completed, you will be informed by the distributor through SMS and post.
  • Submit a security deposit.
  • Then, A booklet will be provided/issued in your name and it is done by the distributor.
  • You should keep your booklet handy everywhere you go to receive a cylinder.

Documents Required for Getting a New LPG Connection
in Kollam

Proof of Identity

  • Aadhaar card
  • Passport
  • Pan card
  • Voter ID
  • ID issued by government
  • Driving License

Proof of Address

  • Aadhaar ( UID )
  • Driving License
  • Lease Agreement
  • Voter ID
  • Telephone, Electricity or Water Bill
  • Passport
  • Self-declaration attested by a Gazetted officer
  • Ration Card
  • Flat Allotment / Possession letter
  • House Registration document
  • LIC Policy
  • Bank /Credit card statement

How to Check LPG Gas Delivery Status in Kollam?

There are different ways available to check the LPG gas delivery status in Kollam that are mentioned below:

Through IVRS (Automated Call)

This IVRS facility is available to you throughout the whole day/ month. You can easily check the status of your booking and estimated date of delivery just by calling the number mentioned on your customer booklet. This facility is available in many languages such as English, Hindi and a regional language. Once the automated voice instructs you to type in your customer id, just do so and follow the instructions and the automated voice will provide you with the required information.

Through Mobile Application

Download the mobile application from the play store and the iOS app store. So, for that, You have to be registered and it can be done only by using the customer id, registered mobile number, just go to the booking section and check the status of the booking as well as the estimated delivery time and date.

Through Customer Care

LPG vendors like Indane, HP and Bharat Gas provide a toll-free customer care number to all their customers. After calling the customer care number, which can be found in your booklet, wait till you get connected to a service executive and then provide them with your consumer number, distributor’s name, location and your booking reference number. For assistance purposes and to resolve all your queries the customer executives will be there.

How to Avail a Gas Connection Under PMUY Scheme

Under PMUY Scheme, people eligible for availing of a gas connection are SC/STs beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana(PMAY), Forest dwellers, MBC’s (Most Backward Classes), people residing in Islands and River Islands. The LPG gas connection can be issued to the female member of the household. A monetary facilitate of Rs. 1600 alongside the gas affiliation is provided by the govt.

Steps for availing of a Gas Connection Under PMUY Scheme are:

  1. Collect the form from your gas provider.
  2. Now just Fill in the form and submit it at the distributor’s office.
  3. After the submission of the application, an LPG connection will be issued only after checking the
    eligibility criteria and at last verifying the documents.

Download Important forms for LPG Gas Connection in

Agency Forms
Indane gas Ujjwala KYC Application Form Unified Form for Transfer of LPG Connection Simplified KYC form For more Forms Click Here...
Bharat Gas Declaration of Income for Availing LPG Subsidy Bank Account-Aadhaar Linkage Application Form Unified PAHAL (DBTL) Joining Form For more Forms Click Here...
HP gas Mandate for giving up LPG subsidy Grievance Redressal Form Ujjwala KYC – Undertaking for availing loan For more Forms Click Here...

LPG Gas Agencies in Kollam

1. Ayanimootil Indane Services
Pp Ii813. Ayanimootil Building 705. Kuttivattam Vadakumthala East
Phone Numbers: 4762623602
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: ayanimootilindaneservices@gmail.com

2. Chandu Indane Gramin Vitrak
Smt. Sreelatha Sasidharan Na. Tp Vi/654.Thenmala Panchayat
Phone Numbers: 0475-2336300
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No:  9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: chanduindane@gmail.com

3. Chithara Indane Services
Xv 96 Near Government L.P. School Chithara
Phone Numbers: 4742427700
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: chitharaindane@gmail.com

4. Dharsana Indane Services
Ix/293. Block No.14 Re-Survey No.96/5 Panayam Village
Phone Numbers: 4742553676
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: dharsanaindane@gmail.com

5. Divya Gas Agency
Kottamkara. Kilikolloor Kollam D
Phone Numbers: 0474-2711734
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: divyaindane@gmail.com

6. Ganga Prasad Agencies
Plot No.585/1/31 Nellipally. Punalu Kollam 
Phone Numbers:0475-2222750
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: gangaprasadindane@gmail.com

7. Johnsons Gas Agencies
Sy.No. 3083. Kallashi. Pathanapuram Pathanapuram.Quilon. Kerala-689695
Phone Numbers: 0475-2352434, 04752354434, 04752015434
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: johnsonsgasindane@gmail.com

8. Kamala Indane Services
Rs.No.64/1.2 Block No 15 Madhayasse Mukku Panchayath Rd Sasthamkotta. Kollam
Phone Numbers: 476-2836727
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: kamalaindaneservices@gmail.com

9. Kavery Indane Services
Rsno.82/6. 395/44 Block No.16 Meli Kizhaketheruve. Kollam
Phone Numbers: 475-2325675
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: kaveryindane@gmail.com

10. Keerti Indane Services
S.No. 163/16 163/13. Block No. 9 – Mynagapally. Sassthamkotta. Kollam Mynagappally – Kollam Dist
Phone Numbers: 476-2848100
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: keertiindane@gmail.com

11. Kerala State Civil Scl Karunag
Sy.No.14278. Karunagapally Kollam
Phone Numbers: 476-2629129
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: kscsc2009@yahoo.com

12. M/S Kannan Rgglv Indane Agency
Kulathupuzha Temple Junction. Kulathupuzha Village. Kulathupuzha. Kollam Dist.
Phone Numbers: 9447865682
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: k.geethargglvkulathupuzha@gmail.com

13. Mini Gas Agencies
Kottamkara. Kundara. Kollam
Phone Numbers: 474-2522959
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: miniindane@gmail.com

14. Mohan Gas Agencies
Sy No.5680/Chathannur Menadu. Chathanure. Kollam
Phone Numbers: 474-2593251
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: mohanindane@gmail.com

15. Mukkunam Indane Services
Kp Ii/564.595.R.Sy No.274/8-2 Block No.49. Valipacha. Pullupana P.O.. Mukkunam
Phone Numbers:  4742423722
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: mukkunnamindane@gmail.com

16. Omkaram Indaneservices
S.No.195/7 Karunagapally Tk.G Ochira. Kollam
Phone Numbers: 476-2696400
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: omkaramgas@gmail.com

17. Orient Gas Agency
Sy No.102/15 97/15.97/13 Kottarakar. Kollam
Phone Numbers: 4742452565
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: orientindane@gmail.com

18. Padavila Indane Services
Ekpi/606. 607. 608 East Kallada Village Kallada
Phone Numbers: 4742587600
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: padavilaindane@gmail.com

19. Pallimon Indane Services
Vii/ 748 Kulappadam Pallimon
Phone Numbers: 4742562999
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: indanepallimon@gmail.com

20. Poikayil Indane Services
Kp Xvii/628. Survey No. 872/1/3/1 Thingalkarikkom Village Punalur Taluk
Phone Numbers: 4752202012
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: poikayilindane@gmail.com

21. Priyaganesh Indane Services
Snp I/592 Sooranadu North Pulikulam. Parakkadavu P.O.
Phone Numbers: 0476 28525
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: indanepriyaganesh@gmail.com

22. Quilon Gas Services
Quilon Kollam
Phone Numbers: 474-2797192
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: quilongas@gmail.com

23. Ravindra Gas Agencies
S.No. 115/14-A Chunakara Alappuzha
Phone Numbers: 476-2851375
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: ravindragas@gmail.com

24. Shiva Agencies
S.No.6293 Kollam Kollam
Phone Numbers: 474-2794351
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: indane.shiva@gmail.com

25. Sneha Indane Services
Plot No.694/19/694/18 Eravipuram
Phone Numbers: 474-2728844
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: snehaindane@gmail.com

26. St. George Gas Agency
Plot No. Mc Xi/985 Mundakal Kollam
Phone Numbers: 474-2742033
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: st.georgeindane@gmail.com

27. Thapasya Indane Services
Cp-1. Survey No.30/19 Block No.30. Chathanoor
Phone Numbers: 4742597501
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: thapasyaindane@gmail.com

28. The Kmm Employees Co-Op S L
S.No. 4919/2-3 4920/8-9 Chavara Kollam
Phone Numbers: 0476 2687044
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: kmmecs@gmail.com

29. Thiruvathira Indane Services
Ep Viii/792 Panachavila Anchal
Phone Numbers: 4752275100
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email:  thiruvathiraindane@gmail.com

30. Thripthy Indane Services
Ap Xii/1309 442/11-2 Anchal Village
Phone Numbers: 4752279333
IVRS-SMS booking Tel No: 9961824365
Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0484-2311558
Email: thripthyindane@gmail.com

FAQs about LPG Price in Kollam

What is the LPG Gas Price in Kollam?

LPG Gas Price in Kollam for 14.2 kg is ₹ 909.00

What is the Price of a 5kg domestic cylinder in Kollam?

The price for a 5 kg domestic cylinder in Kollam is ₹ 322.1.

What was the highest LPG Gas Price in Kollam in the last 5 years?

The highest LPG Gas Price in Kollam in the last 5 years was ₹ 873.65 for 14.2 kg on 18 Aug 2021.

What is the price of a 19 kg commercial cylinder in Kollam?

The price for a commercial cylinder in Kollam is ₹ 1651.9.

✅ What was the lowest LPG Gas Price in Kollam in the last 5 years?

The lowest LPG Gas Price in Kollam in the last 5 years was ₹ 583.5 per 14.2 kg on 01 May 2020.
