Diesel Price in Lucknow




Per Litre

Diesel Price in Lucknow Today (Mar 12 2025)

Diesel price in Lucknow is ... as on Mar 12 2025

Lucknow is one of the biggest cities in our country and the capital of Uttar Pradesh. Lucknow is one of the biggest cities with a vast population. The price of Diesel in Lucknow today is ... as on Mar 12 2025. The area is developed, and the city is well connected to the other districts of the state. However, the place has proper transportation and dynamic networks. Due to the immense population, the automobile is also structuring well. Every day there is ‘n’ number of people buying a vehicle, requiring the fuel to run. There is a burst in the automobile industry; the demand for two-wheelers and four-wheelers is high. So, the increasing demands and the ongoing vehicle lead to the hike of the diesel price. Globally, India’s economy is lower than that of developed countries like the United States of America. Diesel’s retail price includes many factors like Taxes, marketing and distribution, the process of refining and the cost, including loss and profit.

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The trend of Diesel Price at Lucknow  in  February 2022

The trend of Diesel Rate in Lucknow, Feb 2022

1st February: 76.64 rupees per litre

24th February: 81.70 rupees per litre

The highest rate in February 81.70 on Feb 23

Lowest Rate in February 76.64 on Feb 1st

Overall performance: Rising

% Change: +5.97%

  • At the starting of the month, a litre of diesel was retailed for Rs.76.64. The diesel rates were fluctuating this month

  • The maximum range of rate went Rs81.70 per litre. 

  • Diesel closed the month of February at Rs.81.70 per litre. The fuels’ overall performance witnessed a rising trend, with the percentage change standing at +5.97%

Why is there a need to revise the diesel price daily?

There is an associate degree for the rapid increase within the country after the pandemic effects because the crowd started jobs, and also the workplace is open currently.

Lucknow has so much connectivity. So, the hike in diesel may be natural. The refinement and also the extraction of oil area units are somehow the most elements. The refinement and then the extraction can cost a lot of funds. Then the businesses can distribute and decamp the oil to the various countries. The provocation for the oil within us of America relocate their diesel to 3rd world countries like India. The expense will be a downside once the economy of India is far not up to the USA. All elements comprise the increase in rock oil in Lucknow. It’s the foremost thing to revise the prices of diesel daily.  

How to check the daily price in Lucknow 

The price of crude oil may vary from one time to another. To check the updates every day is necessary if you are a traveller or you use to travel. With the leading of the diesel price, the rates are fluctuating. The diesel price in the city is also considered a composite. OMC is has come up with numerous techniques to verify the rates of diesel in Jaipur    

Mobile apps

Oils companies disclose their corresponding mobile apps for regular checking of the petrol prices. IOC has recently launched the Fuel@IOC app. BPCL consumers also use the SmartDrive app. 


The following details are for checking the diesel rates via SMS 

IOC: SMS RSP dealer code and send it to 9224992249

HPCL: SMS PRICE dealer code and send it to 9222201122

BPCL: SMS RSP dealer code and send it to 9223112222

Via the website:

You can visit the OMC website for the details of the ongoing price of diesel in Jaipur. The consumer should visit the Dialabank website to know the latest crude oil or diesel price prices in Jaipur.

How to calculate the diesel price in Lucknow?

Many margins will affect crude oil prices, including diesel. The elements, comprising the diesel’s profit loss, the retailer’s price, VAT on the diesel, all encompass the diesel price. The crude oil price will be in  US dollars. Internationally, crude oil will get several options: the supply chain, the demand rate, some of the natural points and the currency—the amount in the refineries changes. The state and central governments impose some charges, which will also affect the price. The value-added tax(VAT) will vary from one state to the other state.

GST on diesel in Lucknow 

There is no GST applicable on diesel, but the tax, including the excise duty, VAT and other taxes, are applicable provided by the state and the central government. The diesel never comes under the purview of GST. The total tax prevalence in the price to two-third of the retail price. 42.5 % is the primary government-based excise duty after giving the local or VAT tax.  

Diesel Vs Petrol price in Lucknow 

The petrol price is somehow at the peak as we compare it with the diesel price, due to some duty amount and the charges applied to petrol from the state and central government. Petroleum or crude oil products are used as raw materials in various sectors and industries such as transportation and other industries, including petrochemical or automobile. The price of petrol is considered as the peak level when we try to compare it with diesel.

The trend of diesel price in Lucknow for January 2022

The trend of Diesel Rate in Lucknow, January  2022

1st January ₹74.19 Sunday 

On January 31, ₹76.83 

The highest rate in January Rs.76.83 on January 31th

Lowest Rate in  January Rs.74.19 on January 1st

Overall performance: Rising

% Change: +2.64%


  • At the starting of the month, a litre of diesel was retailed for Rs.74.19 
  • The price of diesel hiked on 31 January, i.e. Rs 76.83
  • Diesel closed the month of January at Rs.76.83 per litre. The fuels’ overall performance witnessed a rising  trend, with the percentage change standing at +2.64%

The trend of Diesel Rate in Lucknow, December 2021

The trend of Diesel Rate in Lucknow, December   2021

1st December Rs 72.73

31st December Rs.74.19

The highest rate in January Rs.74.19. Per litre

Lowest Rate in  January Rs.72.19 per litre

Overall performance: Rising

% Change: +1.46%


  • In December, the rate starts with a range of Rs 72.73 per litre in the first week of December. 
  • The range of the diesel has hiked at the end of December with 74.19 on 31st December.
  • Diesel closed the month of January at Rs.74.19 per litre. The fuels’ overall performance is in a rising  trend, with the percentage change standing at +1.46%


The trend of Diesel Rate in Lucknow, November   2021

The trend of Diesel Rate in Lucknow, November 2021

1st November Rs 70.91

30th November Rs.72.73

The highest rate in November Rs.72.73. Per litre

Lowest Rate in  November  Rs.70.91per litre

Overall performance: Rising

% Change: +1.82%


  • At the starting of the month, the rate of diesel starts with Rs 70.91per litre. 
  • The range declined on 19 November 70.91after the range going neutral from the starting till mid.
  •  Overall, there is an increment of +1.82% with the end of the month after the decline in the mid.

The trend of Diesel Rate in Lucknow, October 2021

The trend of Diesel Rate in Lucknow, October 2021

1st October Rs 71.05 per litre 

31st October Rs.70.91 per litre 

The highest rate is at OctoberRs.71.05. Per litre

Lowest Rate in October Rs.70.91per litre

Overall performance: Declining 

% Change: -0.14%


  • At the beginning of the month, the rate was Rs 71.05 per litre on 1 st October.
  • The highest rate was on the 1st of October, Rs 71.05 per litre.
  • The rate fell -0.14% decline in the month with the lowest on October Rs 70.91

The trend of Diesel Rate in Lucknow, September 2021

The trend of Diesel Rate in Lucknow, September 2021

1st September  Rs 73.71

31st September Rs.71

The highest rate is September  Rs.73.77 Per litre on 2nd September. 

Lowest Rate in September  Rs.70.94per litre 29th September

Overall performance: Declining 

% Change: -3.82%


  • At the starting of the month, 1st September, the price was around 73.71 per litre.
  • The lowest price was on the 29th of September, which is Rs 70.94 per litre. 
  • The month’s overall performance is falling at the range of -3.82%, which is somewhat a little bit significant.

The trend of Diesel Rate in Lucknow, August 2021

The trend of Diesel Rate in Lucknow, August   2021

1st August Rs 73.83 

31st August Rs. 73.62

The highest rate in August is Rs.73.89 Per litre on 25th August. 

Lowest Rate in August in Rs.73.62per litre 18th august 

Overall performance: Declining 

% Change: -0.29%


  • At the beginning of the month, the range of diesel was around Rs 73.83 per litre.
  • The lowest rate of diesel in the month is around 73.62 on 18th August. 
  • Overall value is slightly falling which is sound -0.29%

Diesel price in top cities 


Diesel (Rs/litre)





















Diesel price in all states



Andhra Pradesh 












Himachal Pradesh 


Jammu and Kashmir






Madhya Pradesh 










Tamil Nadu 




Uttar Pradesh 




West Bengal 


NCT of Delhi 


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What is today’s diesel price in Lucknow?

Today’s diesel l price in Lucknow is  Rs. 81.68 per litre.

What was the highest diesel price in Lucknow?

The highest diesel price in Lucknow was ₹81.68 per litre on 22nd February 2021.

When was the highest diesel price in Lucknow?

At ₹ 81.68 per litre, the highest diesel price in Lucknow was recorded on 22nd February 2021.

What is the current diesel price in Lucknow?

The current diesel price in Lucknow is ₹ 81.70 per litre.

What was the highest diesel price in Lucknow in the last five years?

In the last five years, Lucknow’s highest diesel price was ₹ ₹81.70 per litre on 24th February 2021.

What was the highest diesel price in Lucknow in the last ten years?

Lucknow’s highest diesel price in the last ten years was ₹ 81.70per litre on 24th February.

What was the highest diesel price in Lucknow in 2021?

The highest diesel price in Lucknow in 2021 was ₹ 81.70. per litre on 24rdh February 2021.

What was the minimum diesel price in Lucknow in 2021?

The lowest diesel price in Lucknow in 2021 was ₹ 74.19 per litre on 1 January 2021.

News updates on fuels

The central and state tug of war for fuels

In India, the price of petrol strikes over the limit. Some of the states touched the lifted price of Rs 100. Both state and central governments are not stepping back to reduce the price, creating a chaotic situation. The inflation hit and affected the whole household and the transportation of the country. The fifteenth pay commission, the taxes went down to 1.1  from 1.8 from 2011-2012 to 2018-19. The fuel price hiked, causing a havoc situation for the consumer and transportation. As per the finance commission gap between the GST and the current GDP is 2%. Globally Indian government busy with the preparation of the vaccine.As the oil pierce sudden increase, balancing the over-inflation turning out be problematic. However, for the first time when the crude oil is turning, this must be inflated. There is an alternative situation for this is government should maximise the revenue through direct tax and GST.
