Petrol Price in Patna




Per Litre

Petrol Price in Patna Today (Feb 03 2025)

The price of Petrol in Patna is at ... today.

GOLD LOAN @ 0.75%*



Petrol costs in Patna have been turning more unpredictable, as raw petroleum costs have been showing a firm pattern. It is essential to check today’s petrol cost in Patna which is, ... (Feb 03 2025), particularly if you are going for a lengthy drive. Keep in mind that petroleum and diesel costs are overhauled every day, so you can lose a lot if you are going on a significant distance. The rupee has moved lower against the dollar, which has made petroleum costs in Patna more costly than previously. It is trusted that the public authority can diminish extract obligations to empower rates to turn out to be less expensive in the coming days.

Change In Prices of Petrol in Patna (Today & Yesterday)

State Today Yesterday Rate Change
- - - - - - - - - - - -

Last 10 days Petrol Rate in Patna

Date petrol per Litre

Petrol Price in Neighboring Cities of Patna

District petrol per Litre

State-wise Petrol Prices

Petrol Prices in Major Cities

The Trend of Petrol Rate in Patna

Oct 2021:

1st Oct Rs.88.94
20th Oct Rs. 93.22
The highest rate in Oct Rs. 93.22 on 20th Oct
Lowest rate in Oct Rs. 88.72 on 2nd Oct
Overall performance Rising
% Change 4.06%


September 2021:

1st Sep

Rs. 84.73
30th Sep Rs. 83.73
The highest rate in Sep Rs. 84.95 on 6th Sep
Lowest rate in Sep Rs. 83.73 on 22nd Sep
Overall performance Rising
% change -1.19%


Month to month Petrol Price Trend in Patna for September 2021:   

  • In the long stretch of September, Petrol cost in Patna opened at the pace of Rs.84.70 per litre. The fuel cost was up by 5 paise when contrasted with the end cost of the earlier month.   
  • Over the course of the month, the cost of petrol changed in the city and depicted a declining pattern. The fuel recorded its greatest cost for the month from first September to ninth September, wherein it remained at the pace of Rs.84.70 per litre. The least recorded cost of the fuel was Rs.83.77, which was recorded from 22nd September to the month’s furthest limit.  
  • The fuel’s general exhibition saw a declining pattern in Patna, with the rate change being – 1.10%.   


August 2021:

1st Aug Rs. 83.31
31st Aug Rs. 84.48
The highest rate in Aug Rs. 84.88 on 31st Aug
Lowest rate in Aug Rs. 83.07on 2nd Aug
Overall performance Rising
% change 1.85%


Month to month Petrol Price Trend in Patna for August 2020:   

  • August’s long stretch opened with the Petrol cost in Patna being exchanged at the pace of Rs.83.29 per litre. There was no adjustment in the cost till the fifteenth of August.  
  • Over the course of the month, the cost of petroleum saw changes in the city of Patna. The fuel recorded its most reduced cost between the first of August and the fifteenth of August, wherein it remained at the pace of Rs.83.29 per litre.  
  • The cost of petroleum in Patna shut the long stretch of August being exchanged at the pace of Rs.84.65 per litre. This was the most noteworthy recorded cost of the fuel during the month and was recorded on 30 and 31 August. There was a slanting pattern in the fuel’s general execution, with the rate change being 1.63%.   


July 2021:

1st July Rs. 83.29
31st July Rs. 83.29
The highest rate in July Rs. 83.29
Lowest rate in July Rs. 83.29
Overall performance
% change same


Month to month Petrol Price Trend in Patna for July 2020:   

  • Petroleum cost in Patna was fairing at the pace of Rs.83.29 per litre toward the beginning of the long stretch of July.   
  • Over the time of July 2020, there were no variances in the cost of the fuel in Patna.   
  • For the month, the petrol cost in Patna shut at the pace of Rs.83.29 per litre. The general presentation of the fuel was steady during the month.   


June 2021:

1st June Rs. 76.25
30th June Rs. 83.29
The highest rate in June Rs. 83.29 on 30th June
Lowest rate in June Rs. 76.25 on 1st June
Overall performance Incline
% change -9.23%


Month to month Petrol Price Trend in Patna for June 2020:   

  • Petroleum cost in Patna opened the long stretch of June at Rs.76.25 per litre. Contrasted with the end cost of the earlier month, the rate for each litre of the fuel was up by Rs.1.02 in the city. The initial cost of petroleum was additionally the least for the month.  
  • With state-run Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) restarting the day-by-day update of the rates on June 7, petroleum costs were climbed practically day by day and saw a slanting pattern.  
  • The fuel shut the week at Rs.83.29 per litre, the most noteworthy recorded cost of the fuel for June’s long stretch, first recorded on 29th June. The rate change recorded in the rates was 9.23%. 


May 2021:

1st May Rs. 74.23
31st May Rs. 74.23
The highest rate in May Rs.74.23
Lowest rate in May Rs. 74.23
Overall performance
% change same


Month to month Petrol Price Trend in Patna for May 2020:   

  • In Patna, petroleum opened the period of May at Rs.74.23 per litre. There was no adjustment in the fuel paces when contrasted with what was charged on the last day of the earlier month.  
  • Throughout the month, the rates stayed stale in the city as state-run Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) chose to keep the rates unaltered.  
  • With no change being recorded in the city, the general presentation of petroleum was steady for the long stretch of May in Patna.   


April 2020:

1st April Rs. 74.23
30th April Rs. 74.23
The highest rate in April Rs. 74.23
Lowest rate in April Rs. 74.23
Overall performance
% change same


Month to month Petrol Price Trend in Patna for April 2020:   

  • Petroleum opened the period of April at Rs.74.23 per litre in Patna. Contrasted with the earlier month’s end value, there was no adjustment in the rates.  
  • Throughout the month, petroleum didn’t perceive any adjustment in the costs as state-possessed Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) ruled against changing the rates even though unrefined petroleum costs sneaked through the worldwide oil market.  
  • With the rates staying unaltered over the whole month in the city, there was no slope or decrease in the fuel’s paces.   


March 2020:

1st March Rs. 76.33
31st March Rs. 74.23
The highest rate in Mar Rs. 76.33
Lowest rate in Mar Rs. 74.23
Overall performance Decline
% change -2.75%


Month to month Petrol Price Trend in Patna for March 2020:   

  • Petroleum cost in Patna opened the long stretch of March at Rs.76.33 per litre. The initial cost was the most noteworthy recorded cost of the fuel for the month. Contrasted with the end cost of the earlier month, each litre’s rates were somewhere near 14 paise.  
  • The rates saw a declining pattern over the month because of powerless interest given the expanding number of Covid cases and passing because of it across the world. Petroleum recorded its most reduced cost for the month on sixteenth March with litre costing Rs.74.23 in the city.  
  • Following that, the rates didn’t perceive any change till the month’s end as the nation went into lockdown to contain the spread of Covid. Throughout the long stretch of March, petroleum’s rate change remained at – 2.75% in Patna.   

February 2020:

1st Feb Rs. 77.84
28th Feb Rs. 76.47
The highest rate in Feb Rs. 77.84
Lowest rate in Feb Rs. 76.47
Overall performance Decline
% change -1.76%


Month to month Petrol Price Trend in Patna for February 2020:   

  • Petroleum costs in Patna remained at Rs.77.84 per litre on the first of February, denoting its most exorbitant cost for the month.  
  • Petroleum costs dunked in the second week as the state-run oil advertising organizations chose to cut rates.  
  • Costs continued fluctuating in the worldwide oil market because of powerless interest in the oil brought about by the Covid episode in China. Petroleum shut the month at Rs.76.47 per litre, its most reduced recorded cost for the period of February.  
  • The general exhibition of petroleum in Patna was – 1.76%, moving downwards.   

Elements Affecting Petrol Price in Patna  

Though worldwide impacts, for example, global unrefined petroleum rates and rupee to US dollar conversion scale consistently affect petroleum costs. For example, homegrown impacts, for example, focal and state government charges, a benefit for oil organizations, and commission for wholesalers don’t affect the cost of petroleum in Patna consistently. Any homegrown factor changes, be that as it may, affects the Petrol rate accordingly. Here’s how and why such impacts are at risk for variances in Patna’s petroleum costs.  

Worldwide unrefined petroleum costs: As India imports more than 70% of its oil necessities from the OPEC countries, raw petroleum costs worldwide are assuming a huge part in India’s petroleum cost. Petroleum rates in India are synchronized consistently with global raw petroleum costs with the presentation of the powerful fuel evaluating an instrument. The flighty part of the powerfully changing cost of unrefined petroleum in this way impacts the cost of petroleum in Patna.  

The assessment required by the focal government on petroleum: This is quite possibly the most homegrown element that impacts the petroleum cost in Patna. The focal government charges an extract obligation, and this rate stays as before all through all the conditions of India.  

Money conversion standard: Indian oil firms buy unrefined petroleum in US dollars. Indian oil organizations get US dollars of raw petroleum. Deciding the cost of petroleum in Patna, per US dollar will be traded into the Indian rupee, in light of the current swapping scale the earlier day. Also, the differing estimation of cash effectively affects the expense of petroleum. Any second rupee slips against the US dollar, Indian petroleum costs will climb, and the other way around.  

Overall revenues of oil firms: Oil organizations’ net revenues impact the cost of fuel in Patna, and it is among the specific components that impact the petroleum cost of Patna. The oil organizations’ fuel wholesalers will gain a seller’s bonus for the extricated fuel. The merchants keep their own bonus which incorporates transportation cost, fuel siphon support cost, and so on in the expense cost of petroleum. Indian oil makers regularly decide the commission, and it will be refreshed once each year. Henceforth, any reports on the commission value, the petroleum cost of Patna, just as all the urban areas of India, will get impacted.  

Systems for checking the petroleum cost of Patna   

The most recent fuel updates can undoubtedly be followed through an SMS administration or a client care administration run by state-possessed oil organizations like Bharat Petroleum (BP), Hindustan Petroleum (HP), Indian Oil, and Shell Oil. You can even check the current petroleum cost of Patna by straightforwardly visiting the sites of those oil organizations. So, if you are a fuel purchaser of Patna, you can check Patna’s current petroleum cost by covering any of the strategies recorded below. With the new valuing component inactivity, the current petroleum cost of Patna is somewhat unique to the earlier day on the off chance that we look at it on the table that is referenced on the highest point of this page. It is tough to affirm the present fuel cost in a city; in any case, OMCs have built up a few measures at approving standard petroleum costs of Patna.  

 Using Mobile Applications: Oil organizations have dispatched their particular cell phone applications for every day following or investigating the cost of petroleum. IOC has delivered the ‘Fuel@IOC’ application. The ‘SmartDrive’ application can be utilized by BPCL clients, while HPCL has delivered the ‘MY HPCL’ application to check for the most recent petroleum rates in a particular district.   

Through SMS: Follow the guidelines underneath to confirm Patna’s petroleum rate using SMS. IOC: SMS RSP seller code and send it to 9224992249. HPCL: SMS HP PRICE seller code and send it to 9222201122. BPCL: SMS RSP seller code and send it to 9223112222.  

For What Reason Does The Petroleum Rate in Patna is High?  

Already, fuel costs in the nation were controlled and changed each fortnight. Credit to the Dynamic Fuel Pricing framework was dispatched on June 17 to change the cost of petroleum all through India consistently. Because of an enormous assortment of movements in the country’s political environment, and as a result of it, markets are evolving consistently. India’s oil costs are something that both the focal and state governments force their charges on actuality. This is the explanation behind the developing differential in the cost of petroleum in various pieces of India. On account of Patna, there has been a spike in state duty, which has fundamentally impacted the expense of petroleum in the city. All things considered, the worldwide market’s effect is one reason behind the sharp ascent in petroleum costs in Patna. The rise in the worldwide cost of raw petroleum was proposed to affect the petroleum of Patna city and other metro urban communities of India. We can just assume that Patna may withstand the impacts of the entirety of this, despite financial specialists who anticipate that certain prices should heighten in the coming months. Another reason is that the finished result’s market estimation can differ depending on the intricacy associated with refining unrefined into petroleum. Think about Diesel, which is heavier, less unpredictable, and simpler to refine compared with petroleum. As a result, diesel will, in general, be marginally less expensive than petroleum in many nations around the world. We have seen a similar pattern in India, moreover. Buyers use diesel in assembling fields, generators, trucks, and so on, contrasted with petroleum, essentially found in private vehicles. The country, at that point, doesn’t demand a charge on diesel by any means. What’s more, thus, diesel has normally gotten more moderate. 

How Are The Petroleum Rates Changed in Patna?  

With impact from 16 June 2017, with the execution of dynamic fuel evaluating or everyday value change, petroleum costs in Patna will be refreshed consistently. Before dynamic valuing, the city’s petroleum rates were refreshed each fortnight, for example, consistently on the first and sixteenth. However, these days, through ordinary value changes, Patna’s fuel systematized consistently. According to the new norms, the refreshed fuel cost will be changed by 6 A.M., and the cost will be reflected through all the fuel stations, OMC sites, and cell phone applications gave across India by specific OMCs. Mechanized focal fuel stations will have a robotized change in petroleum costs, while non-programmed fuel stations should do so truly by getting to the reconsidered cost from the oil organization’s true site. Potential clients can download specific oil organizations’ versatile applications, or they can likewise follow the SMS administration and complementary numbers to screen the city’s steady petroleum cost.  

Effect of GST on Petroleum in Patna   

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is the new duty system on all merchandise and enterprises all through India. Oil-based goods from the GST, in any case, have been precluded. Petroleum and diesel incline to pull in extract obligation from the Center and VAT as the State’s obligation. Since the top assessment section under the GST is significantly lower than the general extract obligation and VAT, the citizen will be affected by diminishing income to the Center or the State. Likewise, GST isn’t pertinent to petroleum.  

Why The Expense of Petroleum is High in Patna When Contrasted With Diesel?   

Prior, fuel costs in the nation were observed and changed each fortnight. As per the Dynamic Fuel Pricing System that was dispatched on June 17, the petroleum cost changed the nation consistently. In light of plenty of changes in the country’s political environment, and as a result of it, costs are evolving routinely. India’s fuel costs are something that both the focal and state governments force their expenses against. Indeed, this is the purpose behind the developing differential in the cost of petroleum in various pieces of the country. There has been an expansion in-state assessment on account of Patna, which has straightforwardly affected the cost of petroleum in the city. After all course, the worldwide stage’s effect is one reason behind the sharp ascent in petroleum costs in the city. The spike in the worldwide cost of raw petroleum was foreseen to affect the costs of petroleum in Patna, just as in India’s remaining urban communities. We can just assume that Patna may withstand the impacts of the entirety of this, notwithstanding investigators who anticipate that those prices should rise in the months ahead. Another clarification is that the final result’s cost will differ depending on the intricacy engaged with changing over oil into the fundamental segments. Thinking about Diesel, which is heavier, less unpredictable, and simpler to refine compared with petroleum. As a result, diesel will, in general, be somewhat less expensive than petroleum in many nations around the planet. We see this equivalent pattern in India. In any case, diesel costs sell at a lot more extreme cost around the country because of the imbalanced assessment framework. Customers use diesel in plants, fields, generators, trucks, and so forth, restricted to petroleum, which is fundamentally found in private vehicles. The country, at that point, doesn’t charge diesel at all when contrasted with petroleum.

GOLD LOAN @ 0.75%*



FAQs on Petrol Price in Patna  

For what reason does petroleum cost in Patna change on an everyday premise?  

Petroleum cost in Patna changes each day because of the dynamic fuel estimating model. The estimating component adjusts homegrown fuel costs in the country to worldwide raw petroleum costs consistently. The reconsidered cost will be refreshed at the gas stations at 6:00 a.m. consistently. The powerful evaluating framework was actualized to get more straightforward petroleum estimating and forestall abrupt increment or decay of petroleum costs.  

Where do I get the least expensive Petrol in Patna?  

Petroleum cost across the city of Patna stays as before except for brief contrasts. Nonetheless, the state-possessed fuel stations, for example, Indian Oil, Hindustan Petroleum, and Bharat Petroleum, offer the best petroleum cost in Patna contrasted with private partners like Shell and Essar. Among the public players, Indian Oil offers the least expensive petroleum in Patna.  

For what reason does petroleum cost in Patna fluctuate, starting with one petroleum siphon then onto the next?  

Petroleum cost in Patna varies, starting with one gas station then onto the next because of the variety in the seller’s bonus. Since sellers commission incorporates fuel transportation expenses and fuel station upkeep costs, fuel stations found near petroleum treatment facilities accuse less, and those of high support costs charge more.  

What is the impact of GST on Patna petroleum costs?  

GST or the merchandise and ventures charge is another assessment system executed in India. The new assessment framework isn’t being applied to all classifications of items and administrations. Even though the vast majority of the fabricated merchandise and ventures are burdened under GST, a couple of retail items are as yet kept external GST net. Petroleum and other fuel items are a couple of such items that are not burdened under GST. Consequently, GST no affects petroleum costs in Patna and the rest of the country. 
