The Reserve Bank of India said in a statement on Friday that the issue price of Sovereign Gold Bond has been stabilized at ₹4,912 per gram of gold. The offering for the Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme for 2020-21 in Series XI will be available from February 01 to February 05, 2021 The RBI confirmed that the nominal price of the bond calculates to ₹4,912. The price of the bond is evaluated on the simple average closing price as publicized by the IBJA. An India Bullion and Jewelers Association Ltd has announced the purity of gold of 999 in the previous three business days of the week going in advance of the subscription period which is January 27-29, 2020. The central bank further explained that the government, in meeting with the RBI, has agreed to offer a ₹50 per gram of discount to those investors who are applying online, and the price against the petition is made through a digital model.
The issue price of Gold Bond will be ₹4,862 per gram of gold for such investors as announced by the central bank. During the subscription period, the issue price of the Bond shall be Rupees Four thousand Nine hundred twelve (4,912) only as per gram. It is also published by RBI In their Press Release courted January 29, 2021. The Indian government in meeting with the Reserve Bank of India led to decide and allow a rebate of rupees 50 only per gram from the price it was issued to specifically those investors who will apply online and the mode of the transaction has been made through a digital model. These types of investors will have an issue price of Gold Bond at rupees Four thousand eight hundred sixty-two only per gram of gold.