MUMBAI: As a precaution, India’s banking regulator has issued a similar warning to the general public to ensure safety while transacting online, two days after CERT-In’s warnings over the possible rise of phishing and consumer scam attacks on digital payment platforms.
“In recent days there are reports of users falling prey to fraudsters who are luring them on fictitious pretexts, such as alleged completion of KYC requirements, impersonating identities and websites of banks and payment system operators, etc,” said in a statement by the central bank.
Thereby RBI has warned consumers not to share PIN as well as OTP number and any other secure financial details in person or through any public networks. Furthermore, consumers have told not to carry these details in the physical form or in their wallets or pockets.
“Safety and security of digital transactions are of paramount importance to their users,” RBI said. “The Reserve Bank has put in place many mechanisms to ensure the same by continuously and actively undertaking digital awareness campaigns.”
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