How to Increase Your Home Loan Eligibility
The home loan eligibility depend upon the borrower’s repayment capacity & this repayment capacity is established by the bank after considering various factors such as income, spouse income, age, number of dependants qualifications , assets, liabilities, stability and continuity of occupation and savings history.
Increase your Home Loan eligibility:
• Credit History :The chances of getting a home loan for you are increased if your history is good which the banks want to know by checking the CIBIL score of borrower. Now to get a loan is very hard from another bank when a bad debt has already with you with one bank.
• Income is clubbing
• Enhance your loan tenure : The loan tenure is very longer, the EMIs will be lower in which the repayment capacity will be increased further of the borrower & the loan eligibility enhances in turn.
• Step-up Loan: EMIs remain low in this type of loan at the beginning and gradually increase as and when power increases the borrower’s spending. Therefore, in the initial years the lower EMIs enhances the ability of borrower to pay and increases the loan eligibility further.
•The down payment increases : You must know that only 85 to 90% for property in a home loan bank finances and the remaining amount has to be funded through the borrower. The down payment will be increased by you if the required amount have more than which will mitigate your debt considerably.
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