Education Loan To Pave The Way For Higher Studies

All About Education Loan


Education Loan To Pave The Way For Higher Studies Education Loan To Pave The Way For Higher Studies

Private Banks offer Education Loans up to Rs 40 lakhs for study outside India. Student Loans are available to pursue courses like MBA, MS, CPA, CIMA, etc offered by different universities and institutes abroad.

When one applies for higher studies, one main thing you consider is the funding. If money is not a factor of tension, then students can easily achieve all of their dreams by studying wherever they want whether it is the United Kingdom, the United states, etc.

Features of student loan:

  1. Interest Rates: Ranges from 9.25 % to 13 % (deposing upon the loan ticket and collateral provided).
  2. Processing Charges: 1.5 % of the overseas Education Loan amount.
  3. Margin: 15 % of the loan amount (in case the loan amount is above Rs 4 lakhs).
  4. Repayment of the Loan: It starts as soon as a student gets a job or after six months after the completion of the course.
  5. Repayment tenure varies between 5 to 7 years.
  6. A person can claim a tax deduction on the interest paid Under Section 80 C.
  7. Student loans are paid on a semester basis.

Leading Education Loan Providers Education Loan To Pave The Way For Higher Studies

  1. SBI Education Loan
  2. HDFC Education Loan
  3. CREDILA Education Loan
  4. AXIS Bank Education Loan
  5. Private Bank Education Loan
  6. Bank Of India Star Education Loan
  7. Punjab National Bank Education Loan
  8. Canara Bank Education Loan
  9. Bank Of Baroda Education Loan

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