Best Banks For Used Car Loan In Budaun
Used Car Loan Budaun Features
Cars have become a necessity nowadays but the prices of cars are rapidly increasing. Not everyone can afford it. But you can get your own car by applying for a car loan. You can get a loan on used car or pre-owned cars as well. The car loans are available at pocket-friendly EMIs.
The main feature of car loan in Budaun are:
- Car loans are available on a wide range of cars at a budget-friendly rate of interest.
- The documentation process is transparent, quick, and very simple.
- Almost all major banks provide car loans in Budaun.
- Loans are available on used cars also
- You will get personalized help to choose a car.
- You can track your application anytime, anywhere.
- Car loans are available through Dialabank
Used Car Loan Budaun Interest Rates
To check Car Loan Interest Rate for all major banks you can visit: Car Loan Interest Rates
Used Car Loan Budaun Documents Required
Documents required for car loan are as followed:
For Salaried Individual:
Any of the following documents as identity & Address Proof:
- Valid Passport
- Permanent Driving license [recent, legible, laminate]
- Letter issued by the National Population Register containing details of name & address
- Voters ID Card
- Job card issued by NREGA
All the following documents as proof of income:
- Latest Salary Slip
- Latest Form 16/Latest ITR
- Last 6 months bank statements
Any of the following for sign verification proof:
- Credit Card Statement with Credit Card Copy
- Banker’s Verification
- Passport Copy
- Photo Driving License with DOB (recent, legible, laminated)
- Copy of Margin Money Paid to the Bank
For Self Employed:
- For Age proof: Memorandum and Articles of Association/Certificate of Incorporation.
- For Identity proof: Memorandum and Articles of Association/Certificate of Incorporation.
- For Income proof: Latest ITR and audited balance sheet along with profit & loss account.
- Any of the above documents as address proof:
- Telephone Bill
- Memorandum and Articles of Association
- Certification of Incorporation
- Electricity Bill
- Any of the above documents for sign verification proof:
- Passport Copy
- Credit Card Statement with Credit Card Copy
- Banker’s Verification
- Photo Driving License with DOB (recent, legible, laminated)
- Copy of Margin Money Paid to the Bank.
- The following type of companies can also apply for a Used Car Loan:
- Sole Proprietorship
- Partnership Firms
- Private Limited Companies
- Public Limited Companies
Used Car Loan Budaun Eligibility Criteria
The car loan eligibility requirements are as followed:
Salaried Individual:
- The doctors, CAs, employees of private limited companies, employees from public sector undertakings, including central, state, and local bodies are eligible
- The minimum age of the candidate should be 21 years.
- The maximum age of the candidate should be 60 years
- Individuals who at least have had a job for 2 years, with a minimum of 1 year with the present employer.
- Those who earn a minimum of Rs. 2,50,000 per year., The income of the spouse can be considered as one with the applicant’s income.
Self Employed:
- This includes individuals who own a private company in the business of manufacturing, trading, or services
- Rs. 2,50,000 per annum should be a minimum earning.
- Individuals who have an office landline.
- The following type of companies are also eligible for a Used Car Loan :
- Sole Proprietorship
- Partnership Firms
- Private Limited Companies
- Public Limited Companies
Used Car Loan For Major Car Manufacturers In Budaun
Processing Fees/Prepayment Charges On Used Car Loan In Budaun
Pre Calculated EMI Table For Used Car Loan Budaun
You can calculate your EMI here: Car Loan EMI Calculator
Used Car Loan EMI Calculator
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